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Excel Adult High School

Adults can earn a high school diploma

Gale presents Excel Adult Hight School

The Library is now accepting applicants to complete high school through a tuition-free accredited online program. Library cardholders age 18 and older can earn a high school diploma - not a GED - while also receiving college or career planning assistance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Excel Adult High School?
    • Excel Adult High School is a nationally accredited online high school diploma and career certification program available through the St. Charles City-County Library. This program offers free enrollment to a limited number of qualified adult students.
  • What is the difference between a GED and High School Diploma?
    • While both the GED and the high school diploma are important, there are several differences between them: among the most significant is the fact that some colleges, institutions, and organizations require a high school diploma and may not accept a GED. In addition to providing a high school diploma, Excel Adult High School prepares students for what comes next—whether that's college, a promotion at work, or a new career.
  • Who can apply for Excel Adult High School?
    • Residents of St. Charles County who are 18 or older and have a Library Card may apply. If you don’t have a Library Card, we’ll get you signed up for one!
  • Does Excel Adult High School offer ELL courses?
    • Yes. Excel Adult High School has English language learner tools built into each course that provide side-by-side translation to many major languages, as well as an audio reader to help students who need help with comprehension.
  • How long does the program take?
    • Those who are accepted are given 24 months to finish 21.5 credits, requiring approximately 8-10 hours per week of self-paced online study time.
  • Can credits I already have transfer?
    • If participants have high school credits or have completed portions of the GED, HiSET, or TASC, those credits can be transferred to help satisfy graduation requirements.
  • What resources are available to Excel Adult High School Students?
    • Every Excel student will have access to A personal coaching team, unlimited live tutoring, translation tools for English language learners, and a Chromebook computer. There are also many resources offered through the Library you can access by having a Library Card.

Excel Adult High School is offered, with support from the State of Missouri and the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation.

For more information please contact your nearest branch or email your questions to