What are Cliff View Self Service Hours?
Self Service Hours allow you to access the collection, equipment and spaces at Cliff View during unstaffed hours:
Staffed Hours | Self Service Hours | |
Monday - Thursday | 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM | 5:00 - 9:00 AM |
Friday - Saturday | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM | 5:00 - 9:00 AM |
Sunday | Closed | 5:00 AM - 4:30 PM |
*Self Service Hours are unavailable during the holidays. See our Holiday Closings list. |
How do I sign up?
Self-Service Hours are available to valid library cardholders, ages 18 and up. Return this completed form, along with a photo ID and proof of address (listed on ID or a current utility bill, tax receipt, pay stub, bank statement, or other official mail), to any branch during open hours. You must agree to Self Service Hours terms and conditions. Allow 5 days for approval.
How do I get in and out of the branch?
Approved customers will scan their library card and enter their PIN to access the building. Doors automatically allow persons to exit.
What services can I use in the branch?
You can browse the collection, pick up holds, check out items, access WiFi and study areas, and use equipment like public computers, printers, and fax/scan machines.
What services are unavailable?
If you require staff assistance, please stop by during regular open hours. Additionally, certain items (telescopes, video games, etc.) may not be available for checkout.
What if I have a problem with the computer/fax machine/scanner?
In-person staff assistance is not available during Self Service Hours for equipment in the branch. If you encounter issues, please submit an explanation using the chat feature or fill out a comment card so staff can address your issue.
What if there is an accident or emergency?
Emergency equipment is available on-site, including an AED, fire extinguishers, and a wall-mounted phone for dialing 911 or reporting facilities emergencies. Restrooms are designated as emergency weather shelters.
Can I stay longer than posted Cliff View Self Service Hours?
If you are using early morning Self Service Hours Monday through Saturday, you are welcome to stay. Staff will open the branch to the public immediately following the conclusion of Self Service Hours. As closing time approaches on Sundays, you will need to follow the prompts provided by in-branch announcements and leave the branch on time. All customers using Self Service Hours are monitored remotely through cameras while in the branch.
What if I have other concerns or comments?
Please contact us with your compliments, questions, or concerns at cvbranch@stchlibrary.org.
Place holds online or by calling a branch and pick them up from a secure locker. Due to safety concerns involving access to our branch vestibules after hours, some Holds Hopper lockers will only be available during regular branch hours.
Hoppers available 24/7
- Corporate Parkway Branch
- Spencer Road Branch
Hoppers available during branch hours
- Deer Run Branch
- Kisker Road Branch
- McClay Branch
- Middendorf-Kredell Branch (currently closed)
How it works
- Place holds by choosing a pick-up location of Corporate Parkway Branch, Deer Run Branch, Kisker Road Branch, McClay Branch, Middendorf-Kredell Branch, or Spencer Road Branch Holds Hopper Pickup.
- Wait for a notification that your holds are available.
- Enter the vestibule of the branch (area just inside the outer door) to access the Holds Hopper. The Spencer Road Branch and Corporate Parkway Branch Holds Hoppers are located outside of the building.
- Use the touchscreen or scan your library card to automatically open your locker door and pick up your holds.
- Take your materials home. They’re automatically checked out to you once you pick them up.
- If you do not want something in your locker, drop it in the book drop located on the outside of the building or bring the item inside.
- Return items to a book drop at any branch when they are due.
Please Note
Your library card must be current with no excessive fees to use a Holds Hopper.* Items will be held for 7 days and can be picked up from a locker only if they fit inside.
Library staff assistance will not always be available to help with the Holds Hopper. Please contact the library during normal business hours if you have any issues.
*Student IDs, associated cards, online temporary cards, and some library card numbers (containing a “plus” sign) will not open lockers. Interlibrary loans must be picked up inside the Library or at curbside.
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Missouri Secretary of State, and the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation.