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Library Policies

16 results found

Acceptable Use - Electronic Information Systems

Customer Responsibility

  1. Customers are responsible for being aware of and observing District Internet policies and local, state and federal laws as they apply to individual use of electronic systems, and are solely responsible for violations they or their legal dependents commit.
  2.  Acts contrary to local, state and federal law shall be considered a violation of District Internet Policy and be subject to suspension of library privileges and appropriate penalty under law.
  3. Public display or printing of offensive materials is a violation of Policy C184, Inappropriate Customer Behavior.
  4. Customers assume all responsibilities for honoring copyright law. Violations of copyright may be subject to legal action.
  5. Customers may not employ Library systems for the purpose of libel, slander, or any form of harassment.
  6. Customers who use District computers for illegal activity or who destroy or attempt to destroy hardware or software may be suspended from using the library and shall be liable for civil and/or criminal legal action.
  7. Customers may not install or activate hardware or software on public computers, with the exception of storage or listening devices for personal use.
  8. Although the District respects the confidentiality of Internet use within the limit of its own policies and local, state, and federal statutes, it may investigate and suspend individuals suspected of misuse and take appropriate disciplinary and/or legal action.
  9. Customers agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the District, its employees and agents from any claim, demand, liability, cause of action, suit, judgement, or expense, (including attorney’s fees), arising out of any breach of this policy statement.
  10. The District will not install or support any hardware or software on staff or public computers that is, in the opinion of the IT staff, limited in scope or audience, is a potential threat to the security or stability of District hardware or software, requires an excessive amount of funds or staff time to install or maintain, or is not beneficial or appropriate for use on a shared computer.
  11. Customers shall be responsible for printing costs.

Parental Responsibility
Parents or guardians are responsible for their children’s use of the internet.

District Responsibility 

  1. The St. Charles City-County Library District provides access to the Internet as an integral component of information delivery. The Library District assumes no responsibility for the content of websites made available through District computers.
  2. The Library District may limit individual session times based on demand, and shall establish appropriate procedures for Internet use.
  3. The District makes every effort to provide continuity of service but is not responsible for any disruptions.
  4. Transaction logs, email and other information which could be used to identify users with specific materials or subject matter are considered by the Library to be confidential, and will not be divulged to anyone other than the user. All users are advised that such records shall not be made available to any agency of local, state or federal government except pursuant to such process, order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state or local law relating to criminal, civil, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power.

Non-cardholder use of electronic information systems.
Visitors who show proof of identification may be issued a temporary guest pass to use the public computers.

Penalties for non-compliance with customer responsibility provisions of this policy.

  1. The Library District reserves the right to investigate violations of customer responsibility.
  2. Persons who do not comply with this policy may be suspended under the provisions of Policy C184, Inappropriate Customer Behavior.
  3. The District may suspend use of public computers by customers who are for any reason in Denial of Service status in accordance with Policy C064, Denial of Service.

Statutory Compliance:
The District complies with statutes dealing with internet materials deemed inappropriate for minors. Such procedures are enumerated in Policy C024.4, Acceptable Use - Electronic Information Systems-CIPA Compliance and Policy C024.7, Acceptable Use- Electronic Information Systems-Missouri Statutory Compliance.

Revision Date: 14 February 2017

Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Library Content

There may be occasions when a patron is concerned about a particular presentation, event, material, or display in or offered by the Library. In such cases, patrons are encouraged to discuss their concerns with branch staff. If a patron wishes the Library to formally reconsider the inclusion, placement, or age-appropriateness of any particular offering or item, a Library Content Reconsideration Form may be submitted. Library Content Reconsideration Forms will only be accepted and reviewed when submitted by a resident or property owner in St. Charles County. The form must be completed in its entirety. Members of a Review Committee will review the patron comments and specifics about the offering. A written response to the patrons will be sent in a timely manner. During the review process, the content will remain available and no action will be taken until the review process has been completed. Content that has already been reconsidered is not subject to review again until a year has passed. Beginning August 1, 2023, the results of any Content Reconsideration will be available on the Library website, along with the date reviewed.

Code of Conduct

Guiding Principle. The St. Charles City-County Library (“the Library”) is a place for everyone, shared by the community, and used by many different people for a variety of reasons. Library users are expected to:

  • Respect the comfort and safety of fellow library users and library staff. If a user’s behavior makes others unsafe or uncomfortable, they will be asked to stop.
  • Comply with requests from library staff. If not, the Library reserves the right to suspend privileges and/or access.
  • Comply with local, state, and federal laws. If a user breaks the law, the Library may prosecute.

Section 1. The Library has adopted this Policy to protect the rights of all individuals to:

  • Use the library without discrimination;
  • Receive friendly, courteous and respectful service;
  • Have free and equal access to information;
  • Have a clean, comfortable and pleasant environment; and
  • Use the library undisturbed without threat of harm, invasion of property, or interference.

Section 2. Library Behavior Guidelines.

Customers are expected to show respect for all other Library users and Library staff. Customers shall comply with all Library policies and instructions given by Library staff and observe the following guidelines in all branches and facilities operated by the Library:

  • Customers shall refrain from engaging in any activity or behavior that violates any federal or state statutes or local ordinances.
  • Customers shall refrain from engaging in any disorderly or disruptive behavior, including but not limited to using profane or threatening language, harassing Library users or staff, damaging Library property, and any behavior which either consciously or unconsciously impedes other Library users’ or staff’s use of the Library.
  • Selling, soliciting, panhandling, and/or loitering on Library property is prohibited.
  • Remaining on Library property outside of business hours is prohibited, except for authorized Library activities or programs.
  • Customers may not enter “Staff Only” areas in Library facilities without permission.
  • Smoking and/or the use of tobacco products is prohibited in all Library facilities and vehicles. For the purpose of this Policy, the term “tobacco product” includes but is not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, dissolvables, electronic cigarettes, nicotine or alternative nicotine vapor products, hookah, and any other product containing, made, or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption.
  • Customers are prohibited from entering Library facilities while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Open containers and/or consumption of alcohol are prohibited on Library property, unless permitted in accordance with Library Policy C187, Distribution and Consumption of Alcohol on Library District Grounds.
  • Bringing any animal, other than a service animal, into Library facilities is prohibited, unless authorized by Library staff as part of an authorized Library program. An individual with a disability is permitted to bring a service animal into Library facilities in accordance with Library Policy C283, Service Animals.
  • Children under the age of 10, and persons of any age with mental, physical, or emotional needs that require supervision, must be accompanied and adequately supervised by a parent/guardian or responsible adult caregiver age 18 or older.
  • Customers in the library must be fully dressed.
  • All customers shall maintain acceptable bodily hygiene. If bodily odor or perfume is strong enough such that it is offensive or constitutes a nuisance to others, such individual will not be allowed on Library property.
  • Weapons are prohibited on Library property except as permitted by law.
  • Customers shall refrain from leaving personal possessions unattended in the Library. The Library is unable to guarantee, and shall not be held responsible for, the security or safekeeping of any such items.

Section 3. Consequences for Violations.

Failure to observe this Policy may result in the suspension or revocation of Library privileges, up to and including permanent revocation of Library privileges and/or ban from all Library facilities.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if, in the Library Director’s sole judgment, a customer’s conduct is unacceptably offensive, serious, threatening, or malicious, the Library Director has the discretion to take any appropriate action in response to said conduct up to and including permanent revocation of Library privileges and/or ban from all Library facilities.

Customers who damage or deface Library materials, equipment, or property may be referred to law enforcement. The Library reserves the right to hold parents/guardians liable for damages caused by their minor children.

Section 4. Notification Procedures.

Customers whose Library privileges have been suspended for violation of this Policy for one month or less will be notified verbally. The Library Director, or a designee, will notify customers whose Library privileges have been suspended or revoked for more than one month by means of written correspondence via US Mail to the involved customer's last known address.

Failure to comply with a Library staff member’s request to leave the premises for violation of this Policy may result in referral to law enforcement. Once notification of such suspension or revocation has been communicated to a customer, further visits to any Library facility by the customer will result in an extension of the suspension by a minimum of 30 days.

Section 5. Appeals.

Customers who have been denied library service may appeal this decision in accordance with Library Policy C064, Service Restrictions. Customers may not use any Library facilities during any appeal period.

Revised 8.15.2023
Revised 5.10.2022
Revised 12.14.2021
Effective 3.11.2020

Collection Management Policy

Collection Management is the ongoing process of assessing the materials available for purchase, subscription or licensing and making decisions about their inclusion and retention within the Library. Collection Management supports the priorities of the Library's strategic plan and includes the selection and deselection of Library materials. Materials may be dropped or added to the collection as community needs dictate. Collection Management also facilitates access to electronic resources.

Philosophy and Scope of the Collection

St Charles City-County Library serves a large population that is diverse in age, race, ethnicity, culture, education, socioeconomic level and lifestyle. Within the constraints of its budget, the Library selects a diverse range of materials in a variety of formats to support the informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs of the population it serves. The Library provides a general collection of circulating materials embracing broad areas of knowledge and literary and cultural genres. Included are works of enduring value and timely materials on current issues. Collections are reviewed and revised on an ongoing basis to meet contemporary needs.

Patron use is the most powerful influence on the Library's collection. Serious consideration is given to purchasing patron-requested materials when these requests meet collection objectives. In addition to purchase requests, circulation and holds levels are all closely monitored, triggering the purchase of new items and additional copies of high demand titles. In addition to patron demand, selections are made to provide depth and diversity of viewpoint to the existing collection.

Inherent in the collection development philosophy is an appreciation for each resident of St. Charles County, and recognition of the diversity of the community served. The Library upholds the rights of each individual to privately read, listen to, and view the full range of published thought and ideas. All materials selected under this policy are protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Collection development and management decisions are based on the merit of the work as it relates to the Library's mission and its ability to meet the needs and interests of the community. Decisions are not based on any anticipated approval or disapproval of the material. Only parents and guardians have the right and responsibility to guide and direct the reading, listening, and viewing choices of their own minor children. The Library does not stand in the place of parents (in loco parentis).

Selection Criteria

Ultimate responsibility for the selection of materials lies with the Chief Executive Officer within the framework set by the Board of Trustees in this Policy. Direct selection of Library materials is delegated to employees qualified for this duty by education, training, interest and job classification.

All St. Charles City-County Library materials are part of one collection, which is physically distributed among the branches and bookmobile or accessible electronically via the Library's website. Selections are made to provide a broad, popular, and relevant collection, while being good stewards of the community's tax dollars. Selection is based on awareness of community interests and concerns, national and international issues and events, publishing trends, societal trends, and the professional judgment of selectors regarding the material's value to the Library's collection. Selection of materials by the Library does not constitute endorsement of the material's content or the views expressed. The Library participates in resource sharing with other institutions through its Interlibrary Loan service, reciprocal borrowing agreements, and access to Internet resources in order to fulfill requests for materials that are beyond the scope of the Collection Management policy.

The general criteria listed below apply to the selection of all materials for the St. Charles City-County Library. Materials are evaluated as complete works and not on the basis of a particular passage. No materials that meet St. Charles City-County Library selection criteria will be excluded because of the origin, background or views of those contributing to its creation. Factors considered when adding specific material to the Library collection include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Current and potential relevance to community needs
  • Local demand, interest, or significance
  • Reviews in professionally recognized sources
  • Timeliness and/or significance of the subject
  • Cost, availability and impact on materials budget
  • Contribution to diversity, depth, or breadth of collection
  • Authority and competence of the author and/or reputation and standing of the publisher

These factors are considered for all age categories of materials. The intent of the author and publisher is the driving factor determining the age-appropriateness of any selection, including electronic materials. Because reading levels, maturity, and interests vary, all materials are accessible to all patrons. Each individual reader, or in the case of a minor, their parent or guardian, is the final arbiter of what is appropriate for them.

Electronic databases extend the collection by providing timely and versatile access to information in electronic format. Typically, the content of an electronic database is not customizable with subscription granting access to the entirety of its contents. As such, they are evaluated for inclusion in the collection as a whole based on their ability to enhance and supplement the print collection. Subscription to an electronic database does not constitute endorsement of the electronic content patrons may access.

Collection Maintenance

The Library's collection is a living, changing entity. Ongoing evaluation of materials is necessary in order to maintain a current, accurate and appealing collection. As items are added, others are reviewed for their ongoing value and removed from the collection. This process improves the accessibility of remaining materials, enhances the appearance of the collection, and helps improve the overall circulation of materials. Great care is taken to retain or replace items that have enduring value to the community. Decisions are influenced by patterns of use, the capacity of each location and the holdings of other libraries that may specialize in a given subject matter. Items removed from the collection cannot be reserved. Discarded materials become surplus property and may be sold, donated, or discarded at the Library's discretion.

Collection Organization

The Library’s collection is organized into broad categories (e.g. Fiction and Non-fiction) and age groups. In determining the age appropriateness of an item for these categories, selection and designation of materials for various parts of the collection is conducted by Library employees consistent with the overall guidance set forth in this Policy. In general, the Library sorts materials into the age category that matches the intent of the author and publisher. Because reading levels, maturity, and interests vary, all materials are accessible to all patrons. Each individual reader, or in the case of a minor, their parent or guardian, is the final arbiter of what is appropriate for them.

The Library collection is organized, marked, and maintained to help people find the materials they want. The Library does not support the labeling, sequestering, or alteration of materials because of controversy surrounding the author or viewpoint on the subject matter. The Library often creates displays of physical and digital materials for the purpose of connecting patrons with a variety of materials and resources that may be of interest to them. All materials in the Library’s collection are eligible for inclusion in displays, which are refreshed and updated frequently. Inclusion in a display does not indicate the Library’s endorsement of the views presented by the featured works.

Reconsideration of Library Materials

There may be occasions when a patron is concerned about a particular title in the Library's collection. In such cases, patrons are encouraged to discuss their concerns with branch staff. If a patron wishes the Library to formally reconsider the inclusion, placement, or age-appropriateness of a particular title, a Library Content Reconsideration Form may be submitted. Library Content Reconsideration Forms will only be accepted and reviewed when submitted by a resident or property owner in St. Charles County. The form must be completed in its entirety. Members of the Review Committee will review the patron comments, reviews of the title, the criteria used in selecting the item, and reasons for including it in the collection. A written response to the patron will be sent in a timely manner. During the review process the material will remain in the collection and no action will be taken until the review process has been completed. An item that has already been reconsidered is not subject to review again until a year has passed. Beginning August 1, 2023, the results of any Content Reconsideration will be available on the Library website, along with the date reviewed.

Parental Oversight

The Library supports and encourages parental involvement in a child’s use of the Library and its collection. Responsibility for a minor child’s (ages 17 or younger) use of the Library rests with their parent or legal guardian, not the Library. Individuals under the age of 18 (minors) applying for a new card will need permission from a legal guardian to obtain a Library card. In allowing a minor to have their own Library card, the parent/legal guardian acknowledges that all materials of the Library will be available to the minor. If a parent or legal guardian would like to limit their minor’s access to Library materials, the parent/legal guardian can visit any branch or submit an online form to have the minor’s Library card revoked. If the parent or legal guardian wishes to limit access to certain Library materials, they may do so by having the minor use the parent’s Library card. Unless it has been reported lost or stolen, any minor using a Library card belonging to an adult will be assumed to have been granted permission to do so by their parent or legal guardian.

Parents/guardians are financially responsible for any loss of, or damage to, materials borrowed using their minor children’s Library cards. They also have the responsibility for determining which Library materials their children may access.

Gifts and Donations

The Library accepts undesignated monetary gifts from groups and individuals in the form of bequests or memorials through the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation. Monies donated toward the collection development fund will be spent at the Library's discretion, based on Library-designated needs.

Books, magazines and AV material donated to any Branch in the system become the property of the system as a whole. Typically, these items are not added to the collection and are sold to benefit the Library. The Library does not evaluate or appraise gift materials for tax or other purposes.

Revised 7-20-2023
Effective 7-18-2023


The St. Charles City-County Library District will accept gifts of either materials or financial endowments. Financial endowment gifts may be made either directly to an individual library branch or to the St. Charles City-County Library District. Financial gifts which are intended for the purchase of specific items, subject areas or are in other ways designated should be negotiated through the appropriate branch manager or other upper level library administration personnel following the established procedural outline.

Gifts of specific items such as books, audio-visual materials, periodicals and other materials shall be accepted by the St. Charles City-County Library District. These materials shall be subject to the same procedural consideration that is utilized when considering an item for purchase. Specific donations shall be considered with the explicit understanding that such factors as physical condition of the material, duplication of material, lack of community interest, processing costs or inadequate space may prevent the addition or permanent retention of an item in the collection. The St. Charles City-County Library District accepts material donations with the understanding that any material that the library cannot use may be discarded following accepted practices and established procedures.

While it is generally not the practice of the St. Charles City-County Library District to accept any material with externally imposed conditions, the library does recognize that certain instances may arise which might warrant the inclusion of materials with some negotiated conditions. Any such conditions must be negotiated with the appropriate administrative staff of the Library as outlined in the written collection management procedures of the St. Charles City-County Library District.

The St. Charles City-County Library District accepts the Association of College and Research Libraries’ "Statement on Appraisal of Gifts" (approved 1973) as a policy basis concerning appraisals. The district is also governed by all applicable federal and state legislation related to appraisal and title of gifts.

(Revised 11/10/86)

Interlibrary Loan

St. Charles City-County Library participates in an interlibrary loan network which allows libraries to supplement their collections by borrowing materials from and loaning materials to other library systems. Each library participating in the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) program develops
guidelines governing the use of its own ILL system. The Library’s policies, outlined below, are governed by the National Interlibrary Loan Code.

Borrowers will be responsible for any charges made by the lending library for ILL items,including copying fees.

Materials published in the last year may not be eligible for ILL. Customers may suggest new titles for purchase.

ILL requests for genealogical materials may include books, photocopies, and microfilm. Photocopies of specific pages from non-circulating books may be requested as well as microfilm not available in the Library.

The Library accepts requests for the material types it circulates (e.g. DVDs, video games, audio books, etc.).


Not all patron types may be eligible for ILL services.

  • Students of local educational institutions must use the resources of their respective institutions for educational ILL services.
  • Reciprocal cardholders must use their own public libraries for ILL services.

The Library will provide ILL services for non-resident cardholders.

Cardholders must be at least 18 years of age to use interlibrary loan services.

The Library may enact limits on the number of ILL requests.

The Library will not accept subject requests; specific titles must be requested.

ILL due dates are specific for each transaction and restrictions are determined by the lending library.

Materials may be renewed depending on the loan rules of the lending library.

Daily and maximum fines for overdue items are set in Policy #c128.

ILL privileges may be suspended if the borrower fails to pick up a requested item, returns an item late, or loses an item. Repeated abuses may result in permanent denial of ILL services.

Failure to return a borrowed ILL item will result in a processing charge plus the cost of the item as determined by the lender.

Items overdue in excess of 60 days will constitute failure to return. Service Restrictions, Policy #c064, will be in effect for failure to return items on time.

LENDING The Library will lend materials to other libraries under the same conditions and terms as those libraries will lend to us.

The Library will charge reciprocal fees based on the lending policies of the borrowing library, including lending fees and fees charged to replace lost items.

At the discretion of the Library, some individual items may not be loaned.

Effective March 19, 2024

Library Cards

A valid library card in good standing is required to borrow materials and use some services from the St. Charles City-County Library.

In order to register for a Library card, an applicant must provide:

  • Name
  • Permanent address of residency (P.O. Box only is not proof of residency)
  • Birthdate of applicant
  • Telephone number or email address
  • For business, organization, and school cards, authorizing documentation

Acceptance of a Library card constitutes an agreement to abide by rules set forth by the Library regarding use of the card and signifies responsibility for any fees, damages, or loss of materials which may result from the card's use.

The Library retains the right to modify the limits for certain cardholders.

Categories of library cards include:

  • Resident - Persons with a permanent address within St. Charles County.
  • Reciprocal borrower - A person living within the service area of a library with which the St. Charles City-County Library District has a reciprocity agreement.
  • Non-resident borrower - Persons who reside outside of either St. Charles County or any reciprocal library service areas may purchase a card by paying the non-resident fee.

Within the above categories, cards will be given an age designation of either adult or juvenile

- Adult 18+
- Juvenile 0 - 17 years old:

  • Individuals under the age of 18 (minors) need permission from a legal guardian to obtain a Library card. In granting permission, the legal guardian acknowledges that all materials of the Library will be available to the minor. The legal guardian assumes responsibility for items, fees, and use of the minor’s Library card. If the parent or legal guardian wishes to limit access to certain Library materials, they may do so by having the minor use their “adult” Library card. If a minor already has a Library card, and the parent wishes to restrict access, the parent can visit any branch or fill out the online form to have the minor’s Library card revoked.
  • Appropriate identification of the parent or guardian is required and applicants aged from birth through 17 years old must be present when registering for a Library card.
  • A Library card may be issued without a parent/guardian only if it is issued through a school program and the Library has an agreement with the school or district relating to parent consent and/or opt out. This card category is Student ID.
  • Non-resident taxpayer - Persons who own property within St. Charles County but whose residence is outside of the county.
  • Business/Organization - An account for businesses or organizations with addresses within St. Charles County. The owner/manager/director provides the required documentation for a card and designates authorized users of the account.
  • School (K-12) card - An account for schools with addresses within St. Charles County. The superintendent/principal or other authorized official provides the required documentation for a card and designates authorized users of the account.
  • Semester student card - Students enrolled in schools/colleges/universities located within St. Charles County, who are not permanent residents of St Charles County, are eligible for this type of card.
  • Student ID card - A partnership with St. Charles County schools that provides students with access to Library materials using their student ID numbers.
  • Temporary resident card - For persons who will temporarily reside in St. Charles County, generally for less than 6 months.
  • Outreach Organization card - An account for organizations formally partnering with the St. Charles City-County Library through the Outreach Services Department.
  • Home delivery card - A card for individual/family arrangements made for residents formally partnering with the St. Charles City-County Library through the Outreach Services Department.

Effective 7-18-2023

Loan Periods

The St. Charles City-County Library shall have a standard checkout period of two weeks for all circulating materials with the following exceptions:

  • Interlibrary loan due dates are specific for each transaction and restrictions are determined by the lending library.
  • Checkout periods may be adjusted for high demand items.
  • Electronic and or downloadable materials may have varying checkout periods based on vendor/supplier requirements.

Checkout periods may be extended to accommodate the needs of the customer. Loan periods will not be extended for items that are on hold.

Revised 2.10.15; 12/11/18

Petitions, Surveys & Electioneering

The St. Charles City-County Library District allows the circulation of petitions and conducting of surveys outside of its facilities as long as these activities do not interfere with the conduct of business or impede the free access of the public to Library buildings and resources. Specifically, individuals or organizations gathering petition signatures or conducting surveys may stand on the Library's sidewalks adjacent to its buildings as long as they maintain a distance of at least 25 feet away from any entrance and/or exit and do not block pedestrian traffic.

Neither petitioners nor survey takers may set up tables, chairs and other furniture or personal items or otherwise impede ingress or egress out of the Library, interfere with patrons seeking to use the Library, or otherwise disrupt Library patrons or activities. Petitioners and survey takers are not guaranteed the use of an area protected from sun, heat, or inclement weather. Petitioners and survey takers may not confront patrons in the parking lot or follow patrons to or from their vehicles. Petitioners and survey takers may not obstruct a patron, intimidate a patron into signing a petition, or harass a patron after he or she informs the person gathering signatures or conducting surveys that he or she is not interested.

Signs promoting petitions or surveys may not be placed on Library property and petitioners must in no way affiliate themselves with the Library, either through written publicity, signage, or verbal statements. Petitioners and survey takers are required to register at the Library's Service Desk prior to gathering signatures or conducting surveys. Nothing in this policy regulates the use of sidewalks that are on the perimeter of Library property and indistinguishable from adjacent municipal or other public sidewalks.

Petitioning and conducting surveys inside Library buildings is prohibited. Petitioners and survey takers refusing to comply with this policy will be asked to leave Library property.

Electioneering, including the distribution of election literature and the posting of signs on buildings or grounds rented or owned by the St. Charles City-County Library District, is permitted only on election days; however, any such activity is prohibited within 25 feet of polling places. (Missouri State Statute (RSMo § 115.637(18)). Noncompliance may result in a conviction for a class four election offense punishable by fine and/or imprisonment.

(Revised, 4/10/16, 5/10/16, 2/13/18)

Photography and Recording

Section 1. Purpose.

The St. Charles City-County Library District (the “Library”) strives to provide and maintain an environment in which patrons are able to use the Library's resources, services and programs as effectively as possible. A photography and recording policy has been established to govern photography and the use of recording devices by Library staff and the public in order to ensure that this activity does not interfere with the provision of Library services and that personal privacy is maintained.

Section 2. Photography and Recording by the Library.

The Library reserves the right to document its services and the public's use of the Library by taking photographs and making video or audio recordings of its classes, events, activities and their participants for use on its website and social media accounts and in Library District publications, including but not limited to, brochures, flyers, news releases, and other promotional materials.

To ensure the privacy of all individuals, including children, images will not be identified using personal identifying information or full names without written approval from the photographed subject or parent/guardian, if the subject is a minor. A patron's first name may be included with a photograph or other recording, unless the individual or the individual's parent/guardian instructs the Library that this is not acceptable. Those wishing not to be photographed or recorded should inform the photographer or Library staff.

This Policy extends to photographs and recordings taken by Library staff at events of the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation and/or Friends of the St. Charles City-County Library.

Section 3. Others' Photography and Recording.

Casual amateur, non-flash photography and recording is permitted at Library programs and events for personal use, not for publication or broadcast, provided that it is not disruptive or intrudes on the personal space of other Library users, or otherwise violate any other Library policy. Further, any use of identifiable likenesses of other individuals requires their permission, and taking photographs or recordings at Library events remains subject to the wishes of the individual conducting the program or event (i.e. authors, performers, presenters, speakers, etc.). Any such photographers are responsible for arranging all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed.

The Library welcomes news media photographers and reporters documenting stories or projects that directly involve the Library and its programs, resources and services, provided that advance notice is given, patron use of the Library is not impeded, and the provisions of this Policy are followed.

No commercial photography or recording in Library facilities is permissible without the express written permission of the Library’s Director & CEO or the Director & CEO's designee, which shall set forth the conditions under which the photography or recording may take place and address rights to ownership of the photographs or recordings. The Library requires credit, in print, in any finished product when photographs or recordings are used for commercial purposes. Community organizations holding scheduled events or meetings in the Library study or meeting rooms may arrange for their own photography or video recording of their event. Such photography and video recording must be for personal use, not for publication or broadcast and is restricted to the space reserved by the group.

Any authorization granted pursuant to this Policy to permit photography or recording may be revoked at any time upon failure to comply with the terms of this Policy or other rules and regulations of the Library.

Revised March 19, 2024.

Postings and Signs

The St. Charles City-County Library District offers space for community flyers and brochures as part of its mission to serve the information needs of the community.

Depending on available space, the Library District may offer bulletin boards, display tables or racks for community information. Postings may be of a civic, educational or cultural nature with other information being posted as space allows.

Bulletin boards, tables and racks may be cleared on a regular basis to conserve space. Clearing schedules shall be determined by the branch manager at each location.

The Library District does not pre-approve postings, but may remove any deemed unsuitable. The Library District assumes no responsibility for any inappropriate use of posted information.

Yard signs advertising community events may be posted on library property between the sidewalk and the street at the discretion of the branch manager. Such signs may not block sight lines at entrances and exits, and all municipal ordinances apply. Signs advertising commercial businesses or for-profit events are prohibited on library property.

Political signs are addressed in Policy C264, Petitions, Surveys and Electioneering.

(Revised 3/9/98, 10/10/17, 2/13/18)

Privacy of Library Circulation Records

  1. The Library User Records of the St. Charles City-County library District are confidential, per RSMo 182.817.
  2. Library User Records shall not be made available to anyone except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized by law, or in response to a written request of the person identified in that record, or as otherwise permitted by law.
  3. Upon receipt of such process, order or subpoena, consultation shall be made with the Library District’s attorney to determine if such process, order, or subpoena is in good form and if there is a showing of good cause for its issuance.
  4. If the process, order, or subpoena is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown, insistence shall be made that such defects be cured before any records are released.
  5. Any threats or unauthorized demands, (i.e., those not supported by a process, order or subpoena) concerning Library User Records shall be reported to the Director of the Library District and to the Board of Trustees of the District.
  6. Any problems relating to the privacy of Library User Records which are not provided for in the above five paragraphs are to be referred to the Director or Assistant Director of the Library District.
  7. For purposes of this Policy, “Library User Records” is defined as any document, record, or other method of storing information retained, received or generated by a library that identifies a person or persons as having requested, used, or borrowed library material, and all other records identifying the names of library users. The term "Library User Records" does not include nonidentifying material that may be retained for the purpose of studying or evaluating the circulation of library material in general.
  8. The Library District may provide Library user contact information (name, address, phone number and email address), in compliance with RSMo 182.187, to a third party contractor for the purpose of analyzing library user statistics and the development of more effective services upon a majority affirmative vote of the Library Districts’ Board of Trustees. The Board will vote each time a contact list is requested.

 (Adopted 9/14/81, Revised 4/11/2011, Revised: 10/14/2014)

Room Reservation & Usage (effective 9/1/23)

The St. Charles City-County Library (“Library”) provides event rooms, meeting rooms, conference rooms, and study rooms for use by individuals, community groups, businesses, and organizations.

Rooms are available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. Use of the rooms does not imply the Library’s sponsorship or endorsement of the subject matter to be discussed or the ideas for which the group advocates. Presentations by groups or individuals using rooms under this policy do not constitute Library events and, therefore, are not subject to 15 CSR 30-200.015’s provision on age-appropriate designations.

This policy is not exhaustive, and all other Library policies apply during room usage. Room requests that do not clearly fall into categories or situations as outlined in this policy will be reviewed by the Library.

Types of Rooms

There are a variety of types of rooms available at Library locations, each of which have specific functions and parameters. Not all room types are available at every location. Guidelines for each room follow under the section titled Guidelines.

  1. Event Rooms - Rooms may be used for public or private events. To be reserved in advance. Associated fees.
  2. Meeting & Conference Rooms - Meeting rooms have tables and chairs that may be moved by groups using the rooms. Conference rooms are furnished with a conference table and chairs and the room set-up cannot be changed. Some technology and equipment may be available.
  3. Study Rooms - Rooms designed for individuals or small groups for quiet work and study.


In case of a conflict, the Library reserves the right to revise any scheduled meeting arrangements and to preempt established reservations with reasonable notice to the applicant. When such conflicts arise, the order of prioritization will be:

  1. Library classes and events
  2. Polling locations on election days
  3. Events sponsored by the Friends of the St. Charles City-County Library (“Friends”) or the St.

Charles City-County Library Foundation (“Foundation”)

  1. Reservations by individuals, community groups, businesses, and organizations

Conduct & Liability

To ensure the safety of participants, staff, and property these guidelines must be followed during all room reservations at the Library:

  1. Injuries or accidents that result from carelessness of the applicant or participants are not the responsibility of the Library.
  2. The Library is not responsible for an individual's personal property. Equipment, furniture, or supplies may not be stored on Library property and the Library assumes no responsibility for items left on the premises.
  3. Use of the Library’s rooms must not disrupt the orderly conduct of the Library, its programs, or activities. All Library policies apply to the use of Library rooms.
  4. Groups must comply with the room capacity as set by the Library.
  5. The unauthorized use of open flames, such as canned heat, gel fuels, candles, gas grills, torches, etc. is strictly prohibited.
  6. The use of confetti, glitter, bird seed, or other similar materials is prohibited, except when used in designated Library events.
  7. Fees may be assessed to compensate for rooms not being reset to the standard set up, left with large messes, or for any damages to Library property or equipment.
  8. Individuals, groups, and organizations using Library rooms agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Library, its Board of Trustees, staff, and agents, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of any kind which may be suffered by, incurred by, or threatened against the Library, the Board of Trustees, or any of its staff or other agents on account of or resulting from injury, or claim of injury, to person or property arising out of the organization’s use of the Library, including but not limited to damaged or missing equipment and fixtures, and any and all structural interior or exterior damage to the Library.
  9. In accordance with the Library policy on Distribution and Consumption of Alcohol on Library District Grounds, any alcohol provided at an event:
    1. May only be permitted when authorized by the CEO
    2. May only be served by third party vendors that are licensed and insured to serve alcohol in the state of Missouri, and are acting in compliance with all applicable county and city ordinances and regulations governing the sale or distribution of alcohol.
  10. The CEO of the St. Charles City-County Library has the final authority to grant or refuse permission for facility use.


The Library prescribes guidelines to ensure the responsible, safe, and orderly use of its meeting rooms.

These guidelines apply when reserving any type of room at a Library location:

  1. Rooms may be reserved by residents and by those who own property in St. Charles County. A valid Library card in good standing is required to reserve any room at the Library, and the cardholder who made the reservation must be present for the duration of the reservation.
  2. Rooms will be reserved during regular Library hours, and groups must be finished in sufficient time to vacate the reserved room by the end of their scheduled time.
  3. Due to high demand, the Library cannot guarantee room availability for groups who do not arrive for their reservation in a timely manner. Reservations will be held for 10 minutes past their start time. If a group does not arrive or contact the Library within that time, the room will be released and made available to others. Repeated occurrences may result in revocation of reservation privileges.
  4. The Library reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or move confirmed room reservations.
  5. Use of the Library’s logo, contact information, or branding to indicate sponsorship is prohibited unless expressly approved in writing by the Library.
  6. The Library reserves the right to enter any event held in its facilities.
  7. The Library reserves the right to make discretionary decisions about all room reservations and usage.
  8. Admission fees, selling products or services, or securing contracts of commitment to services provided elsewhere may not take place before, during or after any functions occurring at the Library. Exceptions may be made for events and classes sponsored by the Library, the Friends, or the Foundation.

Additional guidelines apply to each specific type of room:

Event Rooms

  1. The responsible party must be 18 years of age or older to reserve an event room, and the cardholder who reserved the room must be present for the duration of the reservation.
  2. Individuals, community groups, businesses, organizations, or subgroups thereof (e.g., a committee or special interest group) may use an event room at any Library location one time per calendar week (Sunday through Saturday).
  3. Groups reserving an event room will be charged a fee for usage.
  4. Failure to pay any required fees at least 24 hours in advance will result in automatic cancellation of the room reservation.
  5. A preferred caterer must be used for all food services, with the exception of light refreshments.

Meeting & Conference Rooms

  1. The responsible party must be 16 years of age or older to reserve a meeting or conference room, and the cardholder who reserved the room must be present for the duration of the reservation.
  2. Individuals, community groups, businesses, organizations, or subgroups thereof (e.g., a committee or special interest group) may use a meeting or conference room at any Library location one time per calendar month.
  3. The public must be permitted to attend and participate in anything being held in these rooms (except lawful executive sessions of government bodies). Due to the public nature of meeting and conference rooms, reservation requests will not be protected as Library User Records, as described in Privacy of Library Circulation Records, but treated as public domain.
  4. Set-up and take-down of tables and chairs are the responsibility of the reserving group and must be accounted for within the reservation time. At the end of a reservation, the room must be left in the same condition as it was found, including resetting the room’s tables and chairs to the original layout.
  5. Light refreshments may be served, but groups may not prepare food on Library property.
  6. Groups are responsible for providing their own supplies and for all clean up.

Study Rooms

  1. The responsible party must be 12 years of age or older to reserve a study room, and the cardholder who reserved the room must be present for the duration of the reservation. Individuals under 12 years of age may use study rooms with an adult present.
  2. Study rooms may be reserved up to 2 weeks in advance.
  3. Study rooms may be reserved one time per calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) .
  4. Individuals with or without a valid Library card may use a study room without a reservation on a walk-in basis if rooms are available.
  5. Light refreshments may be served, but groups may not prepare food on Library property.
  6. Study rooms must be left in the same condition as they were found.

Service Animals

The St. Charles City-County Library (the “Library”) recognizes that some customers with disabilities may have service animals which are trained to assist or accommodate a person’s disability and to perform
tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability. The Library follows federal and state laws regarding the use of service animals.

No pets or animals other than service animals (as hereinafter defined) or animals used by the Library in conjunction with Library events or services are permitted at any Library facilities. Federal law defines “service animal” as “only a dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.”

Individuals with disabilities may bring their service animals into all areas of the Library where members of the public are normally allowed to go. All service animals must be under the full custody and control of their handler or owner at all times. Handlers and owners of service animals are solely responsible for the supervision and care of the service animals. Therefore, handlers and owners must keep the service animal directly with them at all times.

A person may be asked to remove their service animal from a Library facility if the service animal behaves in a way that poses a direct threat to the health or safety of other customers, has a history of such behavior, or is not under the control of the handler or owner. In such a case, the individual will still have the option to access Library services without having the service animal on the premises. Fear of allergies, fear of animals, and annoyance on the part of other customers or staff are not valid reasons for denying entry of service animals.

Effective 3.11.2020

Unaccompanied Children Under 16

The Library’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) shall have the authority to place limits on the number of unattended children under 16 allowed in any single library branch or facility at one time. In establishing any such limits, the CEO shall consider the staffing and space needs of each library. In addition, when any public school in St. Charles County has full or partial days of school, the following will be required prior to 5 pm: 1) any child under 16 must be accompanied by an adult, or 2) the guardian of a child between the ages of 10 and 16 must sign a form allowing their child to attend the library unaccompanied.

Library staff members are not responsible for the care of unaccompanied children.

The CEO shall have the discretion to create procedures to implement this policy.

Effective 8.15.2023

Learn more and access the permission form.

Volunteer Records Check

Prospective volunteers for positions requiring direct and independent contact with individuals through the Outreach Program or other positions which the Director deems critical for security and safety, shall be required to pass a police record check prior to appointment.

(Approved 11/10/03)