Employer Identification Number (EIN) for the Foundation is 43-1860793
Our board members serve as active ambassadors for the Library Foundation and are involved in our mission through board meeting attendance, committee work, support, and attendance at the Imagine Gala and Trivia Challenge.
Martha Mazzola President, (Wentzville School District)
Vacant Vice President
Caleb Miller Treasurer (Boeing)
Michelle Rogers, Secretary
Ex-Officio Directors:
Jennifer Jung (St. Charles City-County Library Staff)
Harlan Meyer (Friends of the Library)
Tiffany Barke (Interim Director & Chief Executive Officer - St. Charles City-County Library)
Jennifer Compton (Library Foundation Director)
We are accepting applications for Library Foundation Board of Directors!
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Terms begin in January and July.
Download your Application and Board of Directors Job Description packet today.
Fill out your application, read and sign the Job Description, and return both documents to the Library Foundation.
or mail to:
St. Charles City-County Library Foundation
Board of Directors
77 Boone Hills Dr.
St. Peters, MO 63376